
Showing posts from March, 2023

The end of my College Application Season: UCSB or UNC?

Application season is the most important time period for every high school student as they move toward college. Throughout this application process, high school students have the opportunity to reflect on themselves and show others who they really are. But at the same time, application season comes with anxiety. And now my 23 fall application season is finally over! I applied to a total of 25 US colleges. I was accepted to 10 of them, rejected by 11, and waitlisted by 4. I was accepted by the University of Wisconsin Madison, The Ohio State, The University of Minnesota Twin Cities, UC Santa Barbara, UC Irvine, UC Davis, UC Riverside, the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Boston University, and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.  And I was rejected by Cornell, the University of Chicago, UC Berkeley, UC Los Angeles, Brown, Rochester, Johns Hopkins, Yale, Pennsylvania, Texas Austin, University of Northwestern.  I got waitlists from Washington St.Louis, New York U...

Ski Trip: snowboarding at Powder Mountain with my friends

Last Thursday I went snowboarding at Powder Mountain with my friend. I came to Power Mountain last year, but I was skiing rather than snowboarding.  I barely learned to ski last year, but after learning to snowboard this year, I felt that the views I saw on the mountain were different. Gliding freely through the mountain, I put my snowboard straight and all I could hear was the whistling wind. There are two ski areas at Power Mountain, one on the other mountain. We took the lift up the mountain 7 times at the first ski resort and we experienced different levels of piste.  At one point we embarked on a very flat route without any slope. That's when it became difficult to move my snowboard forward and I had to unload it. Then my friend and I decided to slide down the black snow track. To my surprise, we got lost in the woods. Our snowboards were touching the soft white snow, and a pile of snow would cave in if we were not careful. Then we had enough of the first ski area an...